
Monday, January 10, 2011

The Plight of the Cinder-Ash Girl

As part of our assignment for Psalms in the School of Biblical Studies I have a creative assignment each week, and this week's assignment was to write a poem in the same type as one of Psalms 1-10. I want to explain my poem below because it is written by the heart of me but not about me. This is the plight of one of the oppressed that God is pursuing and desperately loving, the heart of the sex-trafficked, little girl. The prince is Satan. So this poem is a combination of my influences today: Psalm 10, Revelation, and a dream I had when I slept. I can’t remember all of my dream, nor was it about sex-trafficking, but there was a little girl who needed help. So in my processing-the dream and processing the Psalm assignment and thinking about what to write, out this came. (1/10/11 SM)

A Heart no longer encased by a shield, vainly attempted to block bloodthirsty blows.
Thought to be crushed,
Physical bones, dutiful, responded as if feeling
Only feeling was no more emotion but instinct--
Warring, was it possible, with a sliver of spirit?
The question defied reality: survival was death or death was survival?

Vultures circled overhead
Ravaging their prey.
The talons of sharper weapons of destruction had already feasted.
Ownership claimed but not their claims to own.
The goal-satisfaction. The finality-hunger never quenched.
The victor-deception. The truth-to be reckoned.

The clock struck mid-night.
The fair maiden’s frock-beyond stained and torn.
All claims laid threadbare
As the prince was found out for his evil lair.
Piles of clean-picked bones displayed as his sculptures of pleasure.
Piles of snuffed-out souls-discarded as worthless to a dirty corner.

This tale is grim, for no fairy tales are here.
This is Life, and this is Death. But one with an Answer.
The prince got his picking of fury’s fair fight.
Rather his bones stoked the eternal fire.

And what is the plight of her strangled soul?
Beyond recognition of this earth’s ear came the faint pulse-the cry
Of this Cinderella.
To his ear it came – the Rescuer. So he wailed, broken, at the plight of his Daughter.

You see, the Cinder Maiden was never far off from the heart of her Father.
He was seeking and searching-calling to the Princess her name
As he waited for the day he would hear in response the truth of his name.

Lifeless and brittle, he found her in the pile of bones.
And not finding her soul, he restored to her life anew-whole.
Replacing her rags for clothes fit for a queen,
He fashioned her crown and said,
“I loved you in the destruction of the cinder ash.
I love you in new life that my death has bought.”
And they entered the chamber of the throne of Light, hands together,
Because of the love of one rescuer Father for the heart of his cinder ash Daughter.

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