
Monday, July 16, 2012

What Makes Your Day?

8 heads in a car (1 is hiding)! Transit from Hope Africa that day!
Photo Credit: HAC Staff
I met with small groups of my Life Skills and Computer Training graduates the other day. These groups are so that we Life Skills/Hope Africa staff can touch base with our graduates (former students) to see how the job hunt is going, to answer any questions they may have, and to see how they are doing in their personal lives.

Further discipleship takes place.

Encouragement is the word of the day (and my heart for them in this place in their lives).

In a country where there is 40% plus unemployment, my students find looking for a job and entering the application process - yet again - discouraging and frustrating.

But I hope we at Bridge for Hope can help to Equip them.

We also hope to bridge the gap between our unemployed graduates and companies with new job opportunities. The good news is some companies are coming to us for job applicants!

As we went around the room, my students shared where they are at, what they have applied to, what they are waiting for, and WHAT THEY HOPE FOR - in regards to the kind of job they dream of and/or what they would like to study at college/university.

I ask, "What is your goal?" "What steps are you taking to reach that goal?"

As they open their mouths and their hearts, I 'encourage' them to ENCOURAGE each other. "Can you see 'so and so' being a... or doing that... ?" And students' heads nod. "Yeah," "definitely" are the responses.

A large smile - sometimes a shy smile and a nervous giggle also - appear on the sharer's face.
And at the end of the day, I couldn't help but beam my large smile because my small groups of students make my day!

And I thank God for it!
So I'd love to hear from you! What makes your day? What puts a smile on your face when you look back at your day?

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