It's called The Giving Pledge.
Read the article here:
Read the article here:
I am so excited by their generosity, whether they are Christians or not, I believe that God can use and move His resources the world over. And maybe with their endeavors to think beyond themselves and consider those less fortunate, maybe, walls will be broken in their own hearts to be moved towards the One who calls their names. I pray for this. Will you pray with me?
I am so excited by their generosity, whether they are Christians or not, I believe that God can use and move His resources the world over. And maybe with their endeavors to think beyond themselves and consider those less fortunate, maybe, walls will be broken in their own hearts to be moved towards the One who calls their names. I pray for this. Will you pray with me?
This makes me think in another direction - to myself. Lately, I have been praying to be a more generous person because really, I don't see myself as that generous. This is especially because I usually consider, "Can I afford to be generous in this instance?" Now I'm not saying to be irresponsible, but I do desire to be able to respond more naturally in generosity, without more negative thoughts running through my head. So if I feel God nudging me to be generous and I respond, can I trust God to meet my needs? It may come slowly, but I am seeking God to change my heart so that I can learn and put legs on my faith!
If I am seeking God's heart for generosity, what is the foundation of generosity? But is it love? So then, how do I love? In the passage of Mark 12:29-34, the greatest commandment is identified as loving God and second is loving your neighbor are yourself. I know who my neighbor is everyone and anyone, but how do I love my neighbor? 1 Corinthians is filled with the theme that "our aim is love" (thank you SBS leader James Lunn) through everything, whether encouragement or correction, our aim is love, the love of Christ. This is to our brothers and sisters in Christ, how to prefer our brother, but Paul also speaks about unbelievers desiring them to be saved (see also Rom 9:22; Eph. 4:12). 1 Timothy has a whole 14 verses Paul devotes to Timothy on instructing the church to help those "who are truly widows" (1 Tim. 5:3-16). James 1:27 says, "Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world."
May what Gates and others are doing be a challenge to us, for me personally and for the church. I pray for the Church, American and worldwide, to seek God's heart of love so they can in turn demonstrate their love in generosity and care to those around them. And personally, I ask God for a transformed heart to love and the ability to do that practically as God demonstrates this heart through His Word.
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