After a non-stop Christmas vacation, I came back to the base to find my entire dorm room carpet squishing with water and smelling quite badly! So for about four days, some helpers (for which I am so thankful) and I moved out my roommates’ and my things and ripped out carpet and glued padding and laid new, lovely carpet down. We found that a pipe had frozen and burst over the break, which flooded the room. I am thankful only a few books were ruined, and our room was the only one damaged.
The Winter DTS is under way! It has been a busy first two weeks, but God has been so faithful. It always takes a bit of effort to begin a new school and meet the new students, but it’s exciting as well. I taught on Bible Meditation for a session the first week, and I believe that it went well. I like teaching and would like to grow in it, although it still makes me somewhat nervous.
I love my new small group. They seem to have varying backgrounds from a non-Christian family to Mennonite, but all have similar temperaments. Please pray for God to work in them, for some to open up (it’s hard to be vulnerable), and God to heal wounds. Their names are Crystal (PA), Emily (VA), Hanna (BC), Michele (WA), and Stephanie (ID).
I am planning on going on outreach this spring, mid-March to mid-May! I love outreach, but being a first time leader makes me catch my breath with the newness of it all. Teams were just chosen, so I don’t know them well yet, but they seem great! We are hoping to go to 2 countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea, but that is not finalized yet. Please pray for our finances if God wants us to go to these countries, as they are expensive and our budget is small.
Thank you again for your prayers and for everything! God bless you. Shannon
Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:2
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