So friends,
I want to drive to Redding, CA (my former home) this holiday season to visit my friends and my church...
And I have an awesome ministry opportunity to staff a sailing ship with YWAM in the Mediterranean Sea for January and February...I will be helping in whatever ways they need (basically, I don't know specifics). We will be evangelizing, discipling, and encouraging the local churches along the way!!! This is SO on my heart, and something I believe God has for me to learn there.
I don't have the money yet...
I need money for gas and food for Redding, CA,
I need money for my plane ticket and and living expenses while staffing the 42 meter sailing ship! I am trying to buy my plane ticket by Friday, December 19, 2008.
And I am hoping to leave for Redding, CA by Monday, December 22, 2008.
If you would like to find out more, or feel led to help out, please e-mail me ASAP at!
Thank you for being part of my life!!!! I could not fulfill the Lord's call on me without you in my life!!!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
imagine december 2008
Above Pic: Enjoying the view off Going to the Sun Road in Glacier National Park.
Discover... New Adventures...
sights... mtns, lakes, mtn goats, sounds... laughter, silence, friends, smells... nature, bbq
I love summer. Although I was sad to see my Winter DTS students go, summers in Montana are an awesome and beautiful time. After working the month of June as base receptionist and performing in a play, I took the 4th of July weekend to visit my dear friend Paula in Calgary, Alberta Canada. It was a splendid visit with her and mini-break to a new city. After my return I transitioned to serve as grounds crew for the base. I loved working hard outside all day, watering lawns, planting flower beds and trees, and pulling nap weed. My friend Kate and I dedicated ourselves to trimming all the trees on the base!
My summer continued as I traveled by train to visit my parents. We embarked on an old family past time, camping, at Fort Peck Dam on the Missouri River. I then spent a week with my sister Marte before her wedding. On August 24th family and friends gathered to celebrate Marte and Devon’s marriage. What a beautiful, blessed day!
Back at the base, my days were mostly filled with brush strokes-climbing roofs and scaffolding to paint siding! They were renovating the DTS dorm all summer, and by August we were in the mad rush to finish before the fall schools began. We squeezed in prep time for the fall school around these painting sessions!
Fall 2008 Discipleship Training School was ON before I knew it! I loved these students. They were a quieter classroom group but so desiring to go deep with God. From the beginning of this school, I felt that many have leadership potential! It’s exciting to see that is true and to be part of their discipleship and discovery process! I can’t believe I am so blessed to do this--to pour into young people’s lives, future leaders, missionaries, who are learning who God is, who they are in Christ, and how to impact today and tomorrow for Christ! They left on outreach Dec. 3-6 to Brazil, Cambodia, India, and Thailand, Malaysia. Please continue to pray for them, that they would be released into witnessing about the Savior of the world!
Summer Playin' Pics
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
New Possibilities...Setting Sail...
Above Pic: My Fall DTS Small Group (L-R): Me, Jenn (BC, Canada), Christy (OR), Emily (England), and Jentry (MT).
I am not going on outreach with this school but have the amazing opportunity to serve on a 42 meter sailing ship called the Next Wave with YWAM’s Marine Reach Ministries for January and February. This came about through praying about what I would do between staffing the fall and spring schools at YWAM Montana (I am staffing Spring ’09 DTS), a desire to go back on outreach, to go on a boat, and back to the Mediterranean. When I searched the internet, I found YWAM had ship ministry, and a ship would be in the Mediterranean! The purpose of the Next Wave is “to demonstrate Christ’s heart of hope and compassion to those in need around the world” through humanitarian and reconciliation efforts (mercy ministries such as medical teams, community development), and evangelistic outreaches while training its staff and crew in character and leadership development, “[raising] up leaders of tomorrow” (http://www.marine ; /?page_id=61 ; /?page_id=33).
While I am there, a School of Biblical Studies and DTS outreach will be on board, and we will be in the Mediterranean area, the port in Sicily, and sailing to the DTS’s outreach locations (possibly to some of Paul’s missionary locations). As of yet, I do not know my specific jobs, but I will be crew, supporting the needs of the ship, staff, and students. I also hope to grow in new ways and learn more about community, discipleship, and leadership through this new aspect of YWAM community and ministry. I am excited to be on outreach, to minister to staff and students, and to reach out to the locals. Also, we may be docking in Izmir, Turkey, my outreach location this spring. If this happens, I would be so blessed to reconnect with the friends I made there--I pray the Lord would work and reveal Himself through ongoing friendships with them!
Thank you for being a part of my adventures. May Christ bless you this Christmas season. Shannon
Some Fall DTS 08 Pics
Would you help me set...SAIL?

In addition to meeting my regular monthly support (I still have staff fees in MT), I will need support for airline tickets and my expenses on the ship (estimate min. $1,600 needed). If God is leading you to partner with me, please let me know SOON as I need plane tickets and hope to leave early January! Please e-mail me at if you would like to contact me or want more info on how to give. Thank you and God bless you. Shannon
The Bus Ride
Above Picture: While we worship at the park, Turkish youth gather around to listen and talk with us.
Saturday, May 3, 2008, part of our team left Izmir, Turkey with our contacts to help with a birthday, while the rest of us went to the memorial service for the death of a Turkish Christian who was murdered one year ago (along with two others). Our way there was quite the experience.
First, we know we have to take the 1:00 p.m. ferry to Konak to get to the bus depot (no problem—done that before). Then we have to get on a specific bus at 2:00 p.m. This is where it gets tricky. Our pastor wrote instructions IN TURKISH for us to show the bus driver so he would know where to stop the bus (I do not know what the note says), and so I show it to our Turkish speaking (no English, mind you) bus driver, and he nods. Okay, so I think we are set.
We wind through the city to places I have never seen before, gazing out the windows, but not really worried—yet. But it seems to be taking longer and longer, and I begin to wonder (as the responsible one for my team), “Are we on the right bus? Did we miss our stop? Does the bus driver understand the note?” The driver motions and speaks to me in Turkish—I have no idea what he says. But when he stops next and by interpreting his charade-like gestures and assuming what his Turkish words are, he says, "Get off now, and get on that bus over there." (Just to give you a picture of what this looks like, imagine our driver, an older than middle-aged but not quite elderly man, with mostly dark, but graying hair. He is rolly, wrinkly, and weathered on his face, and he looks like he is more that just sitting on but he is melded to his seat, slouched over and encompassing the entire area of the driver's side.) At this, I am thinking, "What is he saying? Ack!! What is he saying?" But we all get off the bus anyway onto a street surrounded by tall apartment buildings--obviously, there is no cemetery in sight in this residential area. And then I discover that there is a bus across the street waiting for us, which is heading in the direction we came from. Our gruff, dear bus driver had flagged down a passing bus for us to ride!
As we wind back through the city I am thinking that at least we will make it back to the bus depot and not be lost anymore. My girl students tell me that they like the "great bus adventure." And I am a bit fatigued with getting us lost with no translator in a Turkish city. But as it nears 3:00 p.m. and Pastor Can, I am sure, thinks we will miss the service or be late (he told us specifically not to be late), I see stone crosses behind a stonewall! I get excited and know it's a small Christian cemetery (there is a large Muslim cemetery across the road), and the bus pulls over and lets us off. We walk into the gate at 3:00 or 3:01. Pastor Can is waiting expectantly. Now we stand in the beating sun, our skin growing redder minute by minute, watching people we do not know, listening to words we do not understand, nor understanding what it feels like to lose a loved one because he believed in Jesus.
This martyr reminds me of another martyr 2,000 years ago, Stephen in Acts 6-7, who was killed for his faith in Jesus Christ. When faced with false accusations, he did not ignore the Holy Spirit. But Stephen preached boldly to his accusers, testifying of the tapestry of love and salvation God has brought to prepare the Way for the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Through Jesus’ sacrifice, our sins are forgiven, and we are made righteous, able to come into personal and direct relationship with the triune, holy God.
What must this person have been thinking before death? Maybe, I can imagine that he was full of the Holy Spirit like Stephen, able to forgive his enemies in the face of death and seeing the Hope set before him--Jesus at the right hand of God. This overwhelms and compels me to share this gift, which God desires each person to have, what this man, Stephen, and I will inherit for eternity--access to God on His throne. How is God moving you? I pray He moves you to seek Him more deeply and live out this gift of Life so others may know Him!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
At All Costs ~ Winter DTS News
And He was saying to them all, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake, he is the one who will save it.” Luke 9:23-24
God has taught me so much during this season of my life as I’ve been recovering from mono and pneumonia while staffing a Discipleship Training School full-time, including lecture phase (Jan.-March) and leading an outreach team to the Mediterranean area (March-May). After months of illness and doctor’s visits, I began taking several vitamins and supplements to aid my recovery. This has helped me get well, even though this is a greater expense than I am used to. Now I am a frequent of the health food store and trying to learn more in an effort to stay well. During my sickness, I have also been learning to rely on God’s strength just to function or accomplish something. I’ve had to humble myself, to not do everything and to ask for help (something I do not do well). But my God, fellow staff, friends, and small group girls have been there for me, praying for me and encouraging me! As this DTS’s school theme is “At All Costs,” it has been real to me in a new way, while I was so frustrated on outreach to be sick, yet again. My burden of illness seems such a small cross to carry when compared to what Jesus asks of me, even my life in Luke 9. I don’t know what I may go through in life or in death, how much physical, emotional, and spiritual turmoils, and I don’t know how I may handle it. But I do know that I can do all things with His strength. I know He is with me through everything, and I do know that people knowing the love of Jesus and coming into relationship with Him is worth the cost!
Small Group Blessings
My small group consisted of five amazing girls, who I grew very close to: Hannah (Canada), Stephanie (Idaho), Emily (Virginia), Michele (Washington), and Crystal (Pennsylvania). Not only were they vulnerable with me and each other and desired to grow so much, but they ministered to me also. I am so proud of them. Stephanie was on the Thailand team and stayed in Thailand after her outreach to continue serving there. Emily and Crystal were also on the Thailand team and are home to help family for the time being. I know God has more great things in store for them (I could see both staffing or doing another school). Hannah was on my outreach and may teach preschool again, but is interested in working with handicapped children or with abused women. And Michele is accepted to begin the School of Biblical Studies here at the Montana base in September. She desires to go on to Spanish speaking countries.
Dance Ministry
Though I was unable to dance for much of dance track, we had an amazing group of girls. Four girls were on the India team, and two girls, Ja (Thailand) and Amber (Canada), were on my team. Once I felt my strength return, I danced with the girls and helped teach several dances we could take on outreach. They were so willing to learn, work hard, and connect with the music that we bonded, and it was such a joy to work with them. While there, we performed several times at our church and for our friends (yes, including me), and I pray it blessed the church members and ministered to our non-Christian friends’ hearts. Amber desires to begin a dance ministry with girls at her home church, and go do a School of Biblical Studies in South Africa later. Ja is going back to Thailand to continue bringing Jesus to her people (she serves in her church and has been a translator for several of our YWAM teams).
The Stifled Cry of a Lost Nation
Currently, this nation's government upholds separation of church and state and freedom of religion, in writing. However, the politically right majority (strict non-Christian religion) desires to choke out the minority, which is more prevalent in the west of the country, in cities, and especially in many of the people of the city where we lived. Surrounded by the enemy's hold, the blindness of post-modern acceptance versus the chains of strict religion, materialism, sexuality, and laziness--all these distractions would seemingly war against one another, but Satan is using these things to lull the people into a deep sleep, unaware of the deception going on as they are hypnotized by the evil eye (double meaning here for Satan and Izmir's evil eye; native people believe one can bring evil on another through their eyes, so many wear eye jewelry or have an eye at the door of their home to reflect the evil sent to them.).
With 99% of the population is this religion, there is a huge need for God. As our team spent more time there, we could feel the spiritual oppression of Satan. We were led to spend much of our time, especially in the first month, praying that spiritual strongholds would be broken. We also felt that reading the Word of God would be an act of spiritual warfare as we read and studied Acts and Ephesians and read the Bible aloud. One day we traveled to a fortress built by Alexander the Great with the San Francisco DTS and prayed and worshiped on top of the fortress, which overlooks the city. It was really powerful to be lifting up the name of Jesus Christ even as the call to prayer reverberated throughout the city. Another impacting week, we partnered with the South Africa DTS to pray around the city for 7 days (as the Israelites marched around Jericho). We went to different areas of the city each day, and walked and prayed in groups. On the seventh day we prayed as we completed a circle throughout the city, by bus, walking, ferry, walking, and bus. We concluded with praise and worship at the church, thanking God for what He was doing.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
(Pictured:Ja and I with our friends at a traditional restaurant for one of our friend's birthdays, which had traditional food, live music, dancing, & yes, tambourines were the bomb!)
For people to meet Jesus in a non-Christian nation (10/40 window), it often is through relationships built over many years. The missionaries, church, and pastor were so grateful that we were able to stay in one place for 2 months. This enabled us to establish deeper friendships with many native people. And it is funny because you’d think we would need to try to meet people, but God brought people to us. Our team would meet in the park and worship, and people would stop to listen and talk with us. We would get together for coffee, to their house or our house, and be able to talk about many things, including Jesus. Some came to church with us (their first time) and were able to hear the gospel, something they had never heard before. We saw hearts were softening toward God. The guys on our team became friends with one guy. He made a commitment to Christ, and they continued to disciple him. After we left, he is now helping with worship at the church. Another guy worked near our girls’ apartment, and he would often stop to listen to us when we were meeting in the park. We tried to talk with him, gave him a Bible, and invited him to church; however, he did not know English. He came to church and made a commitment to Christ--praise God! I have learned since I have returned by our teammate Scott’s e-mails, who stayed for an extra month, how he came to know Jesus. Before he met us he asked God to reveal in a dream the one true religion to him, and he had a dream of the cross. Then he met us!!! Scott wrote to me that another man gave his testimony in church and was saved through a dream about Jesus! My own attempts for God are so feeble, but here is fruit of what God is doing, when we cannot even see it! These men were recently been baptized!
Summer Sun? Actually, Snow in June...
(Pictured: my team and pastor being goofy at church.)
I am back at the base in Lakeside, Montana for the summer working as receptionist, going to play rehearsals (yes, I am a small play for our theatre school), and maybe working grounds later this summer before beginning preparations for the Fall DTS which I am staffing. My students went through debriefing week and are now scattered across several countries. It is a hard adjustment back to life in America for me this time. I realize how much spiritual oppression we were living under overseas. I know I am supposed to be home, but part of me wants to stay there and continue ministering to my friends and the church there--especially when I face the reality that my not know Jesus. And they do not even know what they are missing--the greatest gift of all--Jesus! The only truly gift that matters in a person’s life because that is how we enter into true and eternal relationship with our Father God through Jesus Christ. I emotionally and spiritually hurt for them, but I know that the seeds planted are in the hands of the Lord, and that is the best place for them to be. I am keeping in touch with my friends, the church, and missionaries via e-mail. I continue praying that the Lord would guide and use my words of friendship and Jesus to penetrate their souls and nourish the soil of their hearts.
For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!" ~ Romans 10:12-15 ~
I pray this letter has blessed your hearts. I wish I could deliver my experiences to you in person!
God bless you in Jesus Christ’s Name,
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
This week my heart and eyes were moved to tears by a short, true story, movie-documentary called Hakani. It describes one young girl’s personal journey of being rescued from infanticide. In her case, her tribe in the Brazilian Amazon thought she was bringing curses on the tribe because she could not walk or talk, so they buried her alive. She was rescued by her brother and eventually brought to a YWAM missionary’s outpost on the edge of the jungle. She received help for her medical condition, a thyroid problem controlled with one pill a day, and was adopted by the missionary couple. Today, ten year Hakani is a thriving, walking, talking and singing young girl, full of life and lit up with a beautiful, beaming smile, which her name means.
Infanticide, the murder of babies and children, is a common practice in many Amazon tribes in Brazil. Tribesmen kill, and in many cases bury alive, those that are not “normal,” with birth defects, handicaps, twin, triplets, out of wedlock because they are considered curses on their tribes. The Brazilian government has yet to protect the human rights of these children, sometimes labeling these practices as preserving their tribal culture. However, even many tribes’ people are seeing these children as human and that they have a right to live and are rescuing them. Currently, the missions’ outpost is overflowing with rescued children and their rescuers, adults and families, who have themselves fled their tribes and sought refuge.
You and I can do something to help, and quickly! Muwaji’s Law, to protect these indigenous tribal children’s right to life, is going before the Brazilian government June 30th. We can spread awareness, specifically of what is going on in Brazil, by forwarding this e-mail or this link on to other people. You can follow the other action steps listed at E-mail these government officials! Even our concern, disgust, words can provide a voice of truth to this atrocity, and help another child, one as important and valuable to the Lord, live a full life!
And they were bringing children to Him so that He might touch them; but the disciples rebuked them. But when Jesus saw this, He was indignant and said to them, "Permit the children to come to Me; do not hinder them; for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. "Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it at all." And He took them in His arms and began blessing them, laying His hands on them. Mark 10:13-16
(The film Hakani was made by David Cunningham, who also produced the documentary Path to 9/11 and the movie The Seeker. He is the son of Loren and Darlene Cunningham, founders of YWAM, Youth With A Mission. David visited our YWAM MT base so that we could pray and if led, take action.)
Monday, June 2, 2008
Posing at the Agora
Michele F. and I did model poses on our first free day adventure. After taking a ferry, we hiked a great deal of city and hills to find Kadifekale, where Alexander the Great built a fortress and founded the city of Smyrna. Later in the day, we walked about and posed at the agora, the ancient city's marketplace, which was built my Marcus Arelius (yes the very same, sleazy brother in Gladiator) after an earthquake had destroyed an earlier one.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Imagine, surrounded by millions who believe a false god…
Today I felt like I was so blessed by the Lord because I heard from so many of my friends, (because I am far away). This is not to guilt you into sending me more e-mails or mail, but to encourage you that your words do touch me.
Many times e-mails are one of the ways that God sends encouragement to His children. Recently, as I was talking with our contacts here, they began to share how little or not at all they hear from their friends from home. Let me tell you—(and not from my difficult experiences but, let’s say, wisdom) being a missionary is hard! For the missionaries here, like in many other places around the world, you begin to feel the spiritual oppression and darkness more and more as you spend time there. You can feel it. I can feel it.
And imagine, imagine, being surrounded by millions of people who believe and worship a different god than you—a false god, people who are deceived into following a lie by the father of lies. You are the .0001% of the population who knows the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and Your Call is to share The Light! Imagine. Isn’t that what we are all called to share? Isn’t that what we are all called to live?
So I ask myself these questions, and I beg you to ask yourself today: Will my heart break for the millions? Will my heart break for the individual as Jesus’ heart broke? What is my life living for?
Many times e-mails are one of the ways that God sends encouragement to His children. Recently, as I was talking with our contacts here, they began to share how little or not at all they hear from their friends from home. Let me tell you—(and not from my difficult experiences but, let’s say, wisdom) being a missionary is hard! For the missionaries here, like in many other places around the world, you begin to feel the spiritual oppression and darkness more and more as you spend time there. You can feel it. I can feel it.
And imagine, imagine, being surrounded by millions of people who believe and worship a different god than you—a false god, people who are deceived into following a lie by the father of lies. You are the .0001% of the population who knows the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and Your Call is to share The Light! Imagine. Isn’t that what we are all called to share? Isn’t that what we are all called to live?
So I ask myself these questions, and I beg you to ask yourself today: Will my heart break for the millions? Will my heart break for the individual as Jesus’ heart broke? What is my life living for?
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Marhaba Friends 03.26.08
"Mar-ha-ba" Friends (Hi),
I am here, and it is hard to type on their computers at an internet cafe. The first week has been so good. So far, we have met the our contacts here. Our group gets together in the park right by the Aegean Sea, and we sing and read. But we get awesome interruptions...with people and kids wanting to meet us. So we try to communicate in broken English, their language, and sign language. Then we play music for them or play volleyball and frisbee and talk about what music they like. Awesome opportunities are opening. We danced on Sunday for our new friends. Please keep remembering me and my group, for open doors, and that I would lead wisely, and for encouragement our friends here. That people we meet would have soft hearts. That we would find a translator. That maybe we could go into schools and teach English. And maybe do a concert in the park by the sea. Also that the right people would be put in front of us to develop good friendships.
I am here, and it is hard to type on their computers at an internet cafe. The first week has been so good. So far, we have met the our contacts here. Our group gets together in the park right by the Aegean Sea, and we sing and read. But we get awesome interruptions...with people and kids wanting to meet us. So we try to communicate in broken English, their language, and sign language. Then we play music for them or play volleyball and frisbee and talk about what music they like. Awesome opportunities are opening. We danced on Sunday for our new friends. Please keep remembering me and my group, for open doors, and that I would lead wisely, and for encouragement our friends here. That people we meet would have soft hearts. That we would find a translator. That maybe we could go into schools and teach English. And maybe do a concert in the park by the sea. Also that the right people would be put in front of us to develop good friendships.
Monday, March 17, 2008
flyin' outa here!!!
My outreach team and I are off on outreach, flying out from Kalispell airport at 6:10 a.m. tomorrow, Tuesday, morning!!! I can hardly believe it! I am so excited, like jumpy at times, but also a little anxious and nervous--hopefully, the good kind of nerves.
- Please continue to keep me and my team in your prayers.
- That God gives me tons of wisdom and discernment in leading, dealing with other leaders, students, contacts, the church, and the local people.
- Pray that God just blesses our contacts and their family, and that we come as a blessing and with servants' hearts.
- Continue to pray for my finances, along with our team's (we are on a tight budget).
- That we would be filled with the joy of the Lord, share that with others, and laugh alot!
- That God would lead our whole team, and we would move in His strength!
- That God would open doors of opportunity, we would find favor with believers and non-believers alike.
- That we leaders would learn how to empower and release our students into following God's plans for us while we are there.
- That we would be hungry for and grounded in the Word of God, intercession, and worship--living to glorify God all the time.
- That God would bless our living arrangements and the plans He has for them (apartments and living with local families).
Thank you all for your love, encouragement, prayers, and support!!! It is so amazing to know that my friends and family's prayers are going before me and surrounding me in disciping young people and sharing the hope and love of Jesus Christ.
Blessings in Him.
- Please continue to keep me and my team in your prayers.
- That God gives me tons of wisdom and discernment in leading, dealing with other leaders, students, contacts, the church, and the local people.
- Pray that God just blesses our contacts and their family, and that we come as a blessing and with servants' hearts.
- Continue to pray for my finances, along with our team's (we are on a tight budget).
- That we would be filled with the joy of the Lord, share that with others, and laugh alot!
- That God would lead our whole team, and we would move in His strength!
- That God would open doors of opportunity, we would find favor with believers and non-believers alike.
- That we leaders would learn how to empower and release our students into following God's plans for us while we are there.
- That we would be hungry for and grounded in the Word of God, intercession, and worship--living to glorify God all the time.
- That God would bless our living arrangements and the plans He has for them (apartments and living with local families).
Thank you all for your love, encouragement, prayers, and support!!! It is so amazing to know that my friends and family's prayers are going before me and surrounding me in disciping young people and sharing the hope and love of Jesus Christ.
Blessings in Him.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Woundedness and Blessing - Winter 2008 Update
I don’t believe this letter could even begin express the emotions I have been through in recent months. Let me say, it has been a very low, desolate valley physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I felt a bit of the valley described in Psalm 23 but also knowing the promises of God to be with me and comfort me. I am not trying to paint a hopeless picture, but I am trying to be honest with where I was to where I am now. There is such an extreme difference.
Please bear with the long length of the letter. Try to read it all—it begins with the present, upcoming outreach, important needs, and prayer requests, and then goes back in time to November, to bring more understanding.
Outreach in March:
I am heading on outreach to a Mediterranean country [e-mail me if you want to know which one] March 18 through May 15, and I am so excited for what God has prepared for me and my team! Please remember to keep me in your prayers during this time.
My Needs:
I also am short on monthly financial support. The initial monthly pledges I raised was enough to get started in YWAM last June, but I knew from the beginning that it would not be enough long term. Please pray about it, and if you feel that God is leading you to give either with monthly support or a special gift, e-mail me. If you are already supporting me, I so thank you for your continued sacrifice.
Outreach Prayer Requests:
- Continued health for me and my team.
- Continued healing of the wounds in my life.
- Wisdom and strength for me and the other leaders, Matt (MO) and Jon (MN), as we lead together.
- Team unity, compassion, encouragement, and boldness for members.
- Discernment into ministry opportunities.
- Divine appointments with the native people.
- Friends made easily and hearts open.
- Unity and one-mindedness as we love and serve the missionaries and the local church.
- Potential ministries: worship, music, dance, art, church service, Bible study, youth, women, orphans, hospitals, schools, teaching English, playing soccer, in the parks, visiting…
Season of Sickness:
I caught the flu beginning of November, was sick for three weeks, went to the doctor, was put on antibiotics, felt better for two days, and then I caught a cold. I went back to the doctor mid-December and found out I had mono! No wonder why I wasn’t getting better!
In November I ended my last month with the Fall Discipleship Training School running on empty. The Lord was so gracious to me during that time to give me just enough. My small group girls came back from their outreaches the end of January and are at their homes seeking the future God has for them. All four of my girls are pursuing further missions and in YWAM at this time—this is a rare and awesome circumstance! But praise be to God because He is calling so many of the 50 students in the fall school as missionaries (four students stayed behind in Thailand to continue further ministry). I am so proud of my girls—they have experienced so much freedom from the past and are growing closer to the Lord! How I love them!
Well, fatigue and illness continued as I began preparations in December for the Winter DTS. I did not have a chance to rest (to aide my recovery from mono) during Christmas break, but I did have wonderful opportunities to visit friends in my old hometown of Redding, CA and family in Minneapolis, MN and Menomonie, WI.
Season of Woundedness:
I came back to the base thinking I had all I could handle and just sought a few days respite before the Winter DTS began, only to open my dorm door and find my room flooded by a broken water pipe! I had to move my roommates’ and my things out for several days. Thankfully, there was little damage, and I got new carpet!
Season of Sustenance:
Winter DTS began while I was a mess, feeling so fatigued and emotionally fragile. I was to teach a 1 ½-2 hour session on Bible Meditation the first week of class and knew God was calling me to that, but I was burdened with so much with my wounds. Even through the dark places of January and part of February I saw God meeting my needs and being my sufficiency, giving me energy, wisdom, and the words, with my teaching, my interactions with the DTS, with my small group girls, and one-on-ones. It was a very, very difficult time and so hard to open myself up to be vulnerable, but God gave me discernment and His voice when I needed it.
I was set back with pneumonia the end of January, beginning of February and went back to the doctor for more medication. My leadership and I agreed that I should stay behind and rest the week of mini-outreach to Seattle, WA, first, because of the mono, and then because of the pneumonia. This was the only week off I actually had my whole time being sick, and it was so good to catch up on sleep and rest (I hadn’t slept well since before October). I also started taking a lot of vitamins and supplements to boost my defenseless immune system
Season of Healing:
It’s been really amazing to see how I have been blessed to connect with my girls. God has been such a faithful provider. I feel so content and at home every time I am in my small group or discipling my girls. I truly love it and have been given such a compassionate heart for each girl.
Season of Blessing:
If only you could see my girls through my eyes! Not only do I minister to them, they bless me so much by even praying for and encouraging me!!! Again, God knew just what I needed, understanding girls, who would receive well from me, but also who would give out of the love God is revealing to them.
I began to feel so much better in all areas of my life. Before I had felt that to even put on my dance clothes to dance was too much effort, but the last few weeks I have began dancing again! I have two girls from the dance track on my outreach team, so I am working a lot with them (a friend and I are choreographing dances). How I love dancing again and having the energy to do it!
Thank you for your prayers, encouragement, and support! I wouldn’t be able to do this without you! I am privileged with the greatest blessing of discipling and empowering students to pursue God and missions!
God bless,
I don’t believe this letter could even begin express the emotions I have been through in recent months. Let me say, it has been a very low, desolate valley physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I felt a bit of the valley described in Psalm 23 but also knowing the promises of God to be with me and comfort me. I am not trying to paint a hopeless picture, but I am trying to be honest with where I was to where I am now. There is such an extreme difference.
Please bear with the long length of the letter. Try to read it all—it begins with the present, upcoming outreach, important needs, and prayer requests, and then goes back in time to November, to bring more understanding.
Outreach in March:
I am heading on outreach to a Mediterranean country [e-mail me if you want to know which one] March 18 through May 15, and I am so excited for what God has prepared for me and my team! Please remember to keep me in your prayers during this time.
My Needs:
I also am short on monthly financial support. The initial monthly pledges I raised was enough to get started in YWAM last June, but I knew from the beginning that it would not be enough long term. Please pray about it, and if you feel that God is leading you to give either with monthly support or a special gift, e-mail me. If you are already supporting me, I so thank you for your continued sacrifice.
Outreach Prayer Requests:
- Continued health for me and my team.
- Continued healing of the wounds in my life.
- Wisdom and strength for me and the other leaders, Matt (MO) and Jon (MN), as we lead together.
- Team unity, compassion, encouragement, and boldness for members.
- Discernment into ministry opportunities.
- Divine appointments with the native people.
- Friends made easily and hearts open.
- Unity and one-mindedness as we love and serve the missionaries and the local church.
- Potential ministries: worship, music, dance, art, church service, Bible study, youth, women, orphans, hospitals, schools, teaching English, playing soccer, in the parks, visiting…
Season of Sickness:
I caught the flu beginning of November, was sick for three weeks, went to the doctor, was put on antibiotics, felt better for two days, and then I caught a cold. I went back to the doctor mid-December and found out I had mono! No wonder why I wasn’t getting better!
In November I ended my last month with the Fall Discipleship Training School running on empty. The Lord was so gracious to me during that time to give me just enough. My small group girls came back from their outreaches the end of January and are at their homes seeking the future God has for them. All four of my girls are pursuing further missions and in YWAM at this time—this is a rare and awesome circumstance! But praise be to God because He is calling so many of the 50 students in the fall school as missionaries (four students stayed behind in Thailand to continue further ministry). I am so proud of my girls—they have experienced so much freedom from the past and are growing closer to the Lord! How I love them!
Well, fatigue and illness continued as I began preparations in December for the Winter DTS. I did not have a chance to rest (to aide my recovery from mono) during Christmas break, but I did have wonderful opportunities to visit friends in my old hometown of Redding, CA and family in Minneapolis, MN and Menomonie, WI.
Season of Woundedness:
I came back to the base thinking I had all I could handle and just sought a few days respite before the Winter DTS began, only to open my dorm door and find my room flooded by a broken water pipe! I had to move my roommates’ and my things out for several days. Thankfully, there was little damage, and I got new carpet!
Season of Sustenance:
Winter DTS began while I was a mess, feeling so fatigued and emotionally fragile. I was to teach a 1 ½-2 hour session on Bible Meditation the first week of class and knew God was calling me to that, but I was burdened with so much with my wounds. Even through the dark places of January and part of February I saw God meeting my needs and being my sufficiency, giving me energy, wisdom, and the words, with my teaching, my interactions with the DTS, with my small group girls, and one-on-ones. It was a very, very difficult time and so hard to open myself up to be vulnerable, but God gave me discernment and His voice when I needed it.
I was set back with pneumonia the end of January, beginning of February and went back to the doctor for more medication. My leadership and I agreed that I should stay behind and rest the week of mini-outreach to Seattle, WA, first, because of the mono, and then because of the pneumonia. This was the only week off I actually had my whole time being sick, and it was so good to catch up on sleep and rest (I hadn’t slept well since before October). I also started taking a lot of vitamins and supplements to boost my defenseless immune system
Season of Healing:
It’s been really amazing to see how I have been blessed to connect with my girls. God has been such a faithful provider. I feel so content and at home every time I am in my small group or discipling my girls. I truly love it and have been given such a compassionate heart for each girl.
Season of Blessing:
If only you could see my girls through my eyes! Not only do I minister to them, they bless me so much by even praying for and encouraging me!!! Again, God knew just what I needed, understanding girls, who would receive well from me, but also who would give out of the love God is revealing to them.
I began to feel so much better in all areas of my life. Before I had felt that to even put on my dance clothes to dance was too much effort, but the last few weeks I have began dancing again! I have two girls from the dance track on my outreach team, so I am working a lot with them (a friend and I are choreographing dances). How I love dancing again and having the energy to do it!
Thank you for your prayers, encouragement, and support! I wouldn’t be able to do this without you! I am privileged with the greatest blessing of discipling and empowering students to pursue God and missions!
God bless,
Monday, March 3, 2008
Before earthly eyes knew you,
I formed you.
Before loving hands held you,
I designed you.
Before you laughed and cried,
Danced and played,
I desired to know you,
And for you to pursue me.
You are my desire,
Design, creation—
Made in Our image,
I in you, you in Me,
You were made to be.
We abide as One.
(SM 11.07.07 Written for a DTS Student)
~ John 14:16-20 ~
"I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever; that is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see Him or know Him, but you know Him because He abides with you and will be in you.
"I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.
"After a little while the world will no longer see Me, but you will see Me; because I live, you will live also.
"In that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you.
~ John 8:12 ~
Then Jesus again spoke to them, saying, "I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life."
Before earthly eyes knew you,
I formed you.
Before loving hands held you,
I designed you.
Before you laughed and cried,
Danced and played,
I desired to know you,
And for you to pursue me.
You are my desire,
Design, creation—
Made in Our image,
I in you, you in Me,
You were made to be.
We abide as One.
(SM 11.07.07 Written for a DTS Student)
~ John 14:16-20 ~
"I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever; that is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see Him or know Him, but you know Him because He abides with you and will be in you.
"I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.
"After a little while the world will no longer see Me, but you will see Me; because I live, you will live also.
"In that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you.
~ John 8:12 ~
Then Jesus again spoke to them, saying, "I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life."
God dances
“I am on the throne to worship,
but I get off the throne to reside with you.
I sing and dance with you.
You and I move about with so much joy—together.
Turning and jumping and throwing our arms in the air—together.
I have placed the song in you.
Hear the music in your soul and the dance in your steps.
I AM the Song, the Music, the Dance.” (SM 01.10.08)
“I am on the throne to worship,
but I get off the throne to reside with you.
I sing and dance with you.
You and I move about with so much joy—together.
Turning and jumping and throwing our arms in the air—together.
I have placed the song in you.
Hear the music in your soul and the dance in your steps.
I AM the Song, the Music, the Dance.” (SM 01.10.08)
Prayer in January 2008
This won't be a pretty song of eloquent praise to You because today I went from peaceful calm to disgust at my own humanity—my own rejection of You when I need You the most and know You will never forsake me—I choose to believe a lie in the midst of knowing the truth and seeing Your truth and power displayed in my life again and again. I seek forgiveness from this awful place. You are holy. You are worthy. You are truth and choose to act justly and righteously. I thank You, thank You for who You are—never changing all the time. You are a beautiful symphony, all instruments and melodies in Your hymn of praise. Glorify. Gratitude. Strength in my life. I simply say, “I give up control because You are the writer of the greatest song of my life! Not my own—but Yours!” Holy. Worthy. Nothing I imagined, but everything I’ve dreamed. Abandoned—upon the cross.
(Written during YWAM Community Meeting)
(Written during YWAM Community Meeting)
Saturday, February 2, 2008
January 2008 . . . Winter DTS Begins

After a non-stop Christmas vacation, I came back to the base to find my entire dorm room carpet squishing with water and smelling quite badly! So for about four days, some helpers (for which I am so thankful) and I moved out my roommates’ and my things and ripped out carpet and glued padding and laid new, lovely carpet down. We found that a pipe had frozen and burst over the break, which flooded the room. I am thankful only a few books were ruined, and our room was the only one damaged.
The Winter DTS is under way! It has been a busy first two weeks, but God has been so faithful. It always takes a bit of effort to begin a new school and meet the new students, but it’s exciting as well. I taught on Bible Meditation for a session the first week, and I believe that it went well. I like teaching and would like to grow in it, although it still makes me somewhat nervous.
I love my new small group. They seem to have varying backgrounds from a non-Christian family to Mennonite, but all have similar temperaments. Please pray for God to work in them, for some to open up (it’s hard to be vulnerable), and God to heal wounds. Their names are Crystal (PA), Emily (VA), Hanna (BC), Michele (WA), and Stephanie (ID).
I am planning on going on outreach this spring, mid-March to mid-May! I love outreach, but being a first time leader makes me catch my breath with the newness of it all. Teams were just chosen, so I don’t know them well yet, but they seem great! We are hoping to go to 2 countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea, but that is not finalized yet. Please pray for our finances if God wants us to go to these countries, as they are expensive and our budget is small.
Thank you again for your prayers and for everything! God bless you. Shannon
Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:2
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Christmas Day
I spent Christmas with my sister Marte in Minneapolis, MN, and it was so great to spend some quality time with her as I hardly get to see her because of distance and money. Here also is her fiance Devon, and his great kids Amitri and Amari, who were visiting for the holidays. It was a blast to share the excitement and awe of children during the Christmas season! There is such a magical quality to their outlook.
Christmas Vacation

Over Christmas vacation I was blessed to visit my old home and friends in Redding, CA! Here I am with my friend Brandee at Hebrews coffee shop. She is such a prayer warrior and encouragement to me. She did her DTS at YWAM Montana several years ago and completely recommended it to me when I was looking into coming here. She was a bit unsettled that my computer could take pictures! Haha. It works great when you forget your camera.
Randomness . . .

Our trip to the GO! Conference, a YWAM missions' conference in Estes Park, CO. It included 5 vans pulling 2 trailers, along with assorted other vehicles to carry our caravan of around 80 students and staff driving for 2 days, totaling 18-19 hours(end October 2007). I helped drive one of the vans. The conference had DTS students from several bases, seminars, worship, intercession, and many speakers, one being Darlene Cunningham. The conference was great, but sad to say I got a bad flu (body, not throw-up) on the way home!
#1: Lacey, who is in my small group, and I on the drive.
#2: Snapped by Lacey while I was sleeping.
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