*Visit my Uganda team blog site during our outreach at http://blog.myspace.com/..ol( because I will have little access to the internet.
So I believe I need to try to recap some of my DTS for y'all (I am picking up some weird ways of saying things here, considering many of the students are from all over the country and some from around the world)! I have been so busy with the schedule here, homework, and just living. It all goes by so quickly. The lecture phase of DTS is over, and I leave for outreach to Uganda this Wednesday, November 29th! I can hardly believe it, but I am packed and ready to go!
I started out the DTS praying to grow closer to the Lord, and that did happen. I have learned a lot, and know my learning and growing will only continue on outreach. I also prayed for further direction and perspective for my life, and I believe that has taken place, and I believe it will be further revealed to me on outreach.
September 19, 2006: Col. 2:8-15 vs. 8 "See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception according to the tradition of men." vs. 10 "and in Him you have been made complete..." I pray that God would begin an amazing work and continue to work in the hearts, minds, and souls, and build the solid, solid rock foundation of Christ to be firm and strong for me and the other DTS students to stand on in this world. Amen.
September 18-22, 2006: Isaiah 6:1-6 (my theme verses coming into my DTS too) was reflected upon during a lecture on worship this week, "Brought into the Awesome Presence of the Lord." "God's Voice in the Sheer Silence"--those words just jumped out at me. Lord, I haven't given You much silence in a long time, time so I can hear you speak. I desire to really use this time You have given me...to direct my attention to You. This is a time to be "set apart" on the mountain, at the burning bush, in the wilderness—to learn from the Lord, to hear the voice of God, and to know the heart of God that God chose me.
October 4, 2006: Last night I went to Tuesday Night Life (a small home group like church), and we were studying 1 Thes. 1, and I was impacted with how young the Christians were in those verses, maybe a month old in their faith. They had Paul's teaching for maybe that time, but it says in verse five that the gospel didn't just come to them in word, but in the Holy Spirit's power. That is so awesome to think about, that God revealed to them, He taught them because they probably didn't have the Scriptures, and maybe not even one letter from an apostle or church leader. God told them. And I thought about what conveniences I have with God's teaching and His Word so easily available, even several copies. In some ways I feel that I have wasted time because I want to be able to minister and teach to others in my life, but I don't know His Word! So I believe my hunger for His Word is being renewed, not because I have to but my desire because I want to spend time with Him and learn from Him.
October 10, 2006: "Ministry~sharing the gospel needs to be sharing our lives with each other."
October 13, 2006: I have been part of a dance track while here. Three others and I prepared a dance workshop for Somers Middle School students. We spent Friday after school teaching several students dance combinations to music. It was a great way to connect with students that just need to be loved and paid attention to. Afterwards as we waited for parents to pick them up, some of them opened up about their lives. One boy even told about his parents fighting, talking about divorce, and his mom sometimes blaming him. Another student and I were able to speak to him that he wasn't to blame.
October 27, 2006: My Birthday—I was sung to and had birthday cake because it was my Special Person Day, and that night at a music concert here my friends' band dedicated a song to me. I became the center of attention—I don't like that at all, J but it was nice.
October 30, 2006: I have been blessed by staff and classmates pouring into me, but also being blessed with opportunities to pour into other students here as well. It's been really amazing how being available (even with a hug or late at night talks) and vulnerable can turn into times talking and praying with others.
So I believe I need to try to recap some of my DTS for y'all (I am picking up some weird ways of saying things here, considering many of the students are from all over the country and some from around the world)! I have been so busy with the schedule here, homework, and just living. It all goes by so quickly. The lecture phase of DTS is over, and I leave for outreach to Uganda this Wednesday, November 29th! I can hardly believe it, but I am packed and ready to go!
I started out the DTS praying to grow closer to the Lord, and that did happen. I have learned a lot, and know my learning and growing will only continue on outreach. I also prayed for further direction and perspective for my life, and I believe that has taken place, and I believe it will be further revealed to me on outreach.
September 19, 2006: Col. 2:8-15 vs. 8 "See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception according to the tradition of men." vs. 10 "and in Him you have been made complete..." I pray that God would begin an amazing work and continue to work in the hearts, minds, and souls, and build the solid, solid rock foundation of Christ to be firm and strong for me and the other DTS students to stand on in this world. Amen.
September 18-22, 2006: Isaiah 6:1-6 (my theme verses coming into my DTS too) was reflected upon during a lecture on worship this week, "Brought into the Awesome Presence of the Lord." "God's Voice in the Sheer Silence"--those words just jumped out at me. Lord, I haven't given You much silence in a long time, time so I can hear you speak. I desire to really use this time You have given me...to direct my attention to You. This is a time to be "set apart" on the mountain, at the burning bush, in the wilderness—to learn from the Lord, to hear the voice of God, and to know the heart of God that God chose me.
October 4, 2006: Last night I went to Tuesday Night Life (a small home group like church), and we were studying 1 Thes. 1, and I was impacted with how young the Christians were in those verses, maybe a month old in their faith. They had Paul's teaching for maybe that time, but it says in verse five that the gospel didn't just come to them in word, but in the Holy Spirit's power. That is so awesome to think about, that God revealed to them, He taught them because they probably didn't have the Scriptures, and maybe not even one letter from an apostle or church leader. God told them. And I thought about what conveniences I have with God's teaching and His Word so easily available, even several copies. In some ways I feel that I have wasted time because I want to be able to minister and teach to others in my life, but I don't know His Word! So I believe my hunger for His Word is being renewed, not because I have to but my desire because I want to spend time with Him and learn from Him.
October 10, 2006: "Ministry~sharing the gospel needs to be sharing our lives with each other."
October 13, 2006: I have been part of a dance track while here. Three others and I prepared a dance workshop for Somers Middle School students. We spent Friday after school teaching several students dance combinations to music. It was a great way to connect with students that just need to be loved and paid attention to. Afterwards as we waited for parents to pick them up, some of them opened up about their lives. One boy even told about his parents fighting, talking about divorce, and his mom sometimes blaming him. Another student and I were able to speak to him that he wasn't to blame.
October 27, 2006: My Birthday—I was sung to and had birthday cake because it was my Special Person Day, and that night at a music concert here my friends' band dedicated a song to me. I became the center of attention—I don't like that at all, J but it was nice.
October 30, 2006: I have been blessed by staff and classmates pouring into me, but also being blessed with opportunities to pour into other students here as well. It's been really amazing how being available (even with a hug or late at night talks) and vulnerable can turn into times talking and praying with others.
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