So I thought sharing a little of the random stuff about me would be fun. And you may get to know me a little better from afar! Enjoy, and please share with me some of the random stuff about yourself too.
Not an ice cream fan, unless it's chocolate or Ben & Jerry's... |
I would eat a chocolate every day. Instead I sometimes eat chocolate every day.
I'm addicted to coffee. But I can quit when I want to - I promise.
What activities did I enjoy as a kid? Dance was one of several others... Add winter outdoor activities to that mix...
I crave gourmet pizza in every country: grilled chicken with preferably a white sauce, extra garlic, artichokes, avocado slices, and mozzarella - I made it up myself. It's so good!
Leviticus is one of my favorite books of the Bible. Ask me about it. :)
I like to hang out in coffee shops (with or without bookstores) with a friend, a book, or alone. People can overload me - I need alone time. Being alone too much is unhealthy for me - make me go out.
Silence is my friend. Music is therapeutic. Nature is life-giving. Words are inspirational.
I began writing poetry as a child.
I love relationships - I mean, building friendships, really.
I love Encouraging and Empowering but not as the Entertainment (i.e. I don't like being the center of attention).
In my next life (pretend), I would be a novelist, landscape artist, criminal profiler...or undercover CIA agent. You never know... ;)
I have two high school diplomas. Figure that one out.
How many of my family pets died before I turned 10? 5+
I can't figure myself out...
In my life I have been called shy, confident, stuck up, blunt, sensitive, and outgoing - this could be confusing.
The task side of me (needing to get the job done) and my relational side were at war. Relational won. I quit my job to be a missionary. Now my task is to be relational. (My head and heart have similar wars - only it's daily...)
I love to travel. I want to go everywhere. And I want a home.
I love learning. So I may know a little about a lot of things and not much about anything.
I want to be a better listener and less selfish. I hate shopping especially with people because then I can't leave when clothes aren't fitting me. Trying on pants is the worst.
Growing up, I never wanted to be a missionary. It looked too hard. And they came from special factories in heaven - not where all of us common people were made. Later I realized that they are just normal people too.
I need to practice patience and flexibility. Maybe that is why God led me into missions.
I love outdoor stores!
When I was little, I wanted to play the drums and saxophone, be a helicopter pilot, and enter the Olympics in this sport?
You can comment or e-mail back and ask me more questions. But how about you? Be random, crazy, serious, introspective, and/or relational. I'd love it and love knowing more about you!