Dear friends,
Youth With A Mission Montana's School of Dance Studies began Monday! I am excited, nervous, and anticipatory all at the same time, but God has given me a lot of peace for staffing this school. I am getting little glimpses of who the students are and their hunger to learn, and I will get to know them well during the course of this school, as God unravels the layers to who they are to be in Him.
One of my favorite parts of equipping missionaries through Y.W.A.M. schools is hearing their hearts for the nations and the visions they have to bring glory to God! One of our students from India could not come to the School of Dance in 2008-09 because he did not have the funds, but he is here now, blessed with a scholarship. He believes that music and dance are successful ways to today's youth and dreams to open a dance schools in his native land and further in Asia. He sees School of Dance as furthering his training in order to witness for Christ through this area of the Arts.
*If you could remember my students in your prayers, especially for unity, as they are representing many nations, and a eager desire to learn through the hard work. They are from India, Singapore, the U.S.A., Netherlands Antilles, Norway, Germany, Finland, New Zealand, and Rwanda.
Thank you friends for your care and investment in my life. I am truly grateful and couldn't do this without God using you. Bless you.