
Thursday, December 6, 2007

My Roommate Carrie on a Roadtrip

(*Pictured: Carrie sitting in our crazy room in the early stages, before it was painted!)

My roomie Carrie just left a couple days ago with a team from our bases' Critical Services Department to the Jamaica YWAM base. They have gone to bless that base with help, where it's needed. Some of the things Carrie may be doing is cooking in the kitchen and helping with children. The team is also helping with building projects, especially with cement, and picking fruit from the trees.

Carrie is also moving into a new chapter in her life. While on base, she has mainly served in the kitchen (she loves to cook!) but has willingly served in other areas that needed extra help. But after the Christmas holidays, she plans to work at the base part-time and go to college to finish her A.A. Carrie also desires to be a positive influence in her cousins' lives, who live nearby. So she is moving out as our roommate, a sad time, but she is always welcome here.

Please keep Carrie in your prayers as she ministers in Jamaica and enters new seasons. She truly loves and cares for people and has such a heart to intercede.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Winter Prep

(*Pictured: Erin and I getting distracted with Photo Booth on my Macbook!)

So, what’s ahead? I will not be going on outreach with the Fall DTS, which leaves after Thanksgiving. However, I will be staying back to staff the Winter ’08 DTS, which will begin January 7th (while the fall school is still on outreach). We have just begun preparations for this school, and I am beginning to pray and get excited! It will be so good to do another lecture phase, back to back, so I can learn even more. And it will be all the more busy as I prepare to lead an outreaches with other staff.

Fall DTS '07

(*Pictured: My Awesome Small Group Girls-We're close! Lacey, Nicole, Erin, Me, and Melody.)

Our Fall 2007 DTS is under way! We have 50 students from the U.S., Canada, Thailand, and New Zealand. Steph and I had the opportunity to present the students’ journal project. Each week we make questions for students to answer reflecting on the week’s lectures. I love my small group girls: Erin (TX), Lacey from (NB), Melody (OR), Nicole (IL)-please pray for them. In addition to my DTS responsibilities, I was given the opportunity to teach for the School of Dance Studies 2 lectures for 2 hours each, on History of Ancient Egypt and Greece. It was a lot of studying as I stepped out to teach history for the first time, but I wanted to teach more, and also to use my love for dance and history (I have a Social Science B.A., History and Biblical Studies minors). I am also able to use my previous dance experience and help with the DTS dance track, which means teaching and choreographing some. So it’s wonderful that God is putting the pieces of my life together-I love it all, by the way.


(*Pictured: Top, Roommates Carrie, Becky, and I dressed to the hilt for Welcome to Montana Night at the beginning of our fall schools! Left, Shannon hangin' around in Glacier National Park.)

After DTS Equip, the Fall DTS staff began fall preparations part-time, at first. The other half of each day for 2 weeks I helped another staff set up program documents on the base’s new intranet system. I was glad to help in this way because of my background in computer systems and working with IT staff at Simpson University. Other DTS training and preparation included retreats, building an art room in the lecture hall, repairs and readying rooms, etc. There was so much to do! My favorite part was praying for students and staff before school began!

Servant Leadership

(*Pictured: Saying goodbye to my wonderful DTS Equip friend Anna, middle, at the Whitefish train depot. My roommate Becky, left, and me, right.)

In July I began DTS Equip, a 2 month school for training 16 DTS staff and leaders for the MT base and bases around the world. I believe this time was essential to my growth and preparation as DTS staff. Not only did I make wonderful friends and learn from those with great experience, our leadership had quality, integrity, and had such good experience themselves. I was able to think and process with God, myself, and other people how to disciple, lead, and ask the right questions. At the end of our school, we helped facilitate discussion groups and did presentations for the 1 week Int’l DTS Workshop, where DTS staff from around the world attended seminars for further education. This was a successful first-year for DTS Equip, and I will believe it will be a wonderful tool to prepare future DTS leaders.

New Horizons ~ Settling In

(*Pictured: Hiking Mt. Aenaes near the base with YWAM MT friends.)

It has been an intense few months here at YWAM Montana, but oh, so good. I made it safely to the Lakeside, MT base on the night of June 1st. I looked like quite the vagabond, traveling with my car packed to the brim, t.v. belted into the front seat, and mountain bike strapped to the trunk.

During my first week I went through intake week, orientation meetings for the 6 new staff. I met my roommate Carrie from Quincy, CA, new kitchen staff, and we proceeded to paint our room from lime green and black to Mexican Sand and accented with Emerald City. It was a definitely a good change to fit our personalities and color scheme. Over the summer we slowly accrued yard sale furniture to make our dorm room home. In August Carrie and I opened our dorm room to a new roommate Becky from Aimes, Iowa (new DTS staff), who was my good friend from my DTS in Fall ’06.

I also worked for housekeeping full-time for June with another DTS staff JoAnn (serving in other areas when we have down time between schools). I now have cleaned just about anything and everything on the base. It was hard work but a good time to serve the base, talk with JoAnn, and pray together.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Staff Intake Week

This is a photo of the group of us new staff for the June intake week here at the YWAM Montana base. My first week was a lot of introductory meetings about the base, its programs, staff, leadership, and helps designed for as YWAM staff and also for new staff. It was a good way to connect with many staff who work with different programs and who I did not know, and also to learn what they do. I loved learning several stories about how the Lord brought individuals and families as missionaries in YWAM and to Montana. I also worked on a personal mission statement, which I may share with you at a later time. One of the best things I came away with during intake week was that my trust in the leadership of this base was built up to even greater levels than where it already was and that the staff and leadership do seek the Lord in all they do. Praise God!

This morning in our staff meeting, our former base director Gordy shared part of his journey. He and his wife have moved back to the Flathead Valley (this area) and will be working with our base again. This is testimony to me of God's hand on the base and its leadership to be able to bring a former director back to work in another capacity here, and this shows the wonderful relationship they have.

I have been very busy--they have been keeping me busy! For the three weeks before DTS EQUIP begins, another girl and I are working in housekeeping--scrubbing many toilets and bathrooms, and mopping and vacuuming floors! It's quite the workout! We also have been stocking cleaning supplies around the base--after the first day I felt like I was in weight training. Then my roommate and I lived for about 5 days in chaos as we painted our room (and my dresser, a great yard sale find). What a hug task, as we had to prime all the walls and trim first (it formerly being black and lime green) and then paint two coats of color! But it is finished, and we are more settled in. Now we are only waiting for my roommate's permanent furniture to arrive (her parents are moving to the area, as many of her relatives already live here). It's beginning to feel a little homey! And I love my walls! Pics will be coming soon....

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Back at the YWAM Montana base

Hey Guys!

After a gruling 16 hour drive Friday, I made it to the Montana base safe and sound, well, as I could be. No mishaps or incidents, but I did take a wrong turn, not really, I went straight instead of taking a turn on a road I needed to take! I should have known better, having driven this several times! Didn't sleep well last night, so I am still tired. Situated my boxes and suitcases in my room today so it looks presentable, especially for my roommate. I need to yet buy a mattress (borrowing one now) and a large dresser (need storage) so my room can look like a room and not a storage unit! Everything doesn't feel quite real yet, kind of a dream like, hazy quality--I think that is the lack of sleep affecting my mind still. Intake begins Monday.

I am so thankful for those of you who are praying and/or financially supporting me to get me here, and for those of you want to begin to (it's not too late)! God has and is using you mightily! Thank you for seeing and taking part in my heart and the Lord's work through me!

In His Grace,


Thursday, May 24, 2007

God Answers Prayer—Sometimes Rather Quickly

Yesterday I sent out a prayer e-mail and listed that I needed to sell my twin bed before I move. I have talked to many people, trying to find someone that needs a bed, but with no luck. As my final resort, I was going to mass e-mail at the office about it, and put an ad in the newspaper. But this morning I was at the office and mentioned it. My friend said she has a friend who is moving up to Redding this summer and might need a bed. She left and called her. And I sold my wonderful, comfortable bed today—that quickly and with no e-mails or ads—praise the Lord! I will have to find and buy another bed once I get to Montana (because the cost of transporting my bed is too much).

Now I could have just acknowledged my bed as another check off my to do list before I go. But I do recognize that God answered my prayer, provided for my need, and in His timing—not my own. This should be teaching me something about giving my burdens to God (again and again—I fail many times), as the message from Pastor Mark at youth group reflected on.

Maybe I should reflect again, and let this be my prayer as I end my day…

Jesus says, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
~Matthew 11:28-30 (NIV)

Or in my own, “Shannon’s Version”…

Jesus says, “Tell me everything, all of your problems and about your bad day, and I will help you. Put on the shoes I designed for you because they are made for the terrain of your life, and they will guide you where you are supposed to go. Take your lessons from me because I know all the in’s and out’s—I see the whole plan for your life, start to finish. I won’t pressure you because I really care about YOU, like a really good mom cares for her precious newborn baby. When you acknowledge that you can’t fix the ‘stuff’ in your life by yourself, let it go, and release it to me. You will feel a weight lift from the inside out because I will carry the weight. You can handle it with me by your side.”

(above thoughts influenced by God, Pastor Mark, and Pastor Mike, and me)

Friday, April 27, 2007

Mukama Webezebwe! Ola o te a! (Praise God! Hi, how are you?)

(Picture above) When witnessing at this Ugandan family’s home, two teenage girls came to know Jesus Christ as their Savior.

I am finally settled in Redding, California, and I have too many stories and experiences to share with you. Many of you received my e-mail up­dates during my time at D.T.S. in Montana and on outreach in Uganda, Africa, and I hope that I kept you informed on what I was experiencing and learn­ing from the Lord. Included in this new blog site will be new blogs of what I am doing, along with a compilation of my 2007 Spring Newsletter, past support letters, newsletters, and e-mail updates. I think you will be able to enjoy the new format, as I hope to keep you up to date on my new adventures as I embark as D.T.S. staff with Y.W.A.M. in Lakeside, Montana, and if you are new to my God-journey, you can catch up on my past experiences!

Available & Obedient

My prayer was to be available and obedient to God during D.T.S. I knew this was how I could give God the opportunity to work through me in every situation. I have been learning that God desires to demonstrate His power and love though me, but if I hold back or am unwilling, all that is demonstrated is my own ability, be it my weaknesses or my strengths—and I miss an opportunity to glorify Him! I don’t want to do that! I desire to have the glory go to God in all my experiences. But this being available and obedient meant stepping out of my comfort zone many times!

One of these stepping out experiences was in my dance track. My team taught a dance workshop at a local middle school. As this was the first time the YWAM base had done this, we were able to establish a good reputation and were invited back again. Most importantly, we were able to establish relationships with the students, listen to them, love them, and be a positive influence to them.

Mini outreach in Spokane, Washington was one of the most stretching experiences of lecture phase. Several times we walked around the city and asked to pray for people. I had never done this before, and even though I was shaking on the inside, I thought, “Okay, God. Please use this to bless people through prayer and that they would feel Your specific care and love for each of them personally.” I believe that many of the people we prayed for saw that our intentions were sincere, and I prayed that this would subconsciously invoke a desire for “Someone” more, the Only One who truly satisfies. On Halloween night a girl on my team stopped and asked to pray for a group of three people. Now my first inclination would have been not to speak to them because, well, they looked scary. Immediately one person took off into the bar, another just stood and snickered at us, and the third said that she didn’t need any prayer. She was dressed in a Halloween costume, including a long black dress, white paint over her entire face, and red paint made to look like blood was dripping down her face, and her demeanor was not open to God. Then I asked if we could just pray in general for her, not knowing anything specific. She gave a hesitant yes to this. So I began to pray for her, especially about how she is uniquely and specially created and how much God loves her. Afterward, I could see that her demeanor had changed as she realized that we were not there to judge but to love her with the love of Christ. I believe that I could see an openness and connection with her through her eyes. She even thanked us before we left.

My mission’s trip to Uganda was unlike many of my previous missions’ experiences. On my past trips I had done a lot of hands-on service and friendship evangelism. However, our main focuses in Uganda were door-to-door evangelism, open air programs where we shared the Gospel in communities, in prisons, and in an orphanage, teaching seminars in churches, and preaching in churches on Sundays. I did not have experience evangelizing or speaking much previously and do not believe it comes that naturally as I have a harder time talking to strangers, but I like to get to know people over time. So this was a huge step for me. Again I would pray much like at mini outreach, “Here I am, God. I’m going to open my mouth and speak about You. Please give me Your words to say because I don’t know what to say or how to do this.” And God did—all the time! One time I was sharing the salvation message through my interpreter to a group of ladies, and more and more children began to gather round. I had a baby sitting on my lap. One of the ladies and several children asked to receive Christ. Her eyes went from looking so lost to lighting up with hope! It was amazing how many times I saw this—a physical change in a person’s countenance when they came to Christ! I felt like I could relate or maybe understand a little of Jesus and the early Christians as I also ministered to some people who did not even know the name of Jesus.

When I contemplated what I had learned the most from my D.T.S. lecture phase and outreach, I believe there are two main things. One is that God is Alive; He is the Living and Active Word as Hebrews 4:12 states. His Word was alive, impacting, and specific to each person I spoke to, as to the lady and children that came to Christ in the previous story. My own words don’t do that, but God’s words touch people to the depths of their souls, and He will meet them there. The other thing I have been learning is that God is Faithful! He is the Master Builder, putting blocks or experiences of faith underneath me so that I can stand strong and solidly on His Firm Foundation! He has done this in various ways: my previous missions’ trips, youth internship with my church, providing employment at Simpson University, and a place to stay in preparation for YWAM… I left in September with only half of my funds for YWAM, praying that God would provide the rest—and He did through faithful prayer partners. My faith became stronger as I saw Him work in my life and radically in the D.T.S. students’ lives, and I saw many Ugandans’ lives transformed as they came to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. I can take these lessons with me each day as I live in the presence of the Living God, remember His faithfulness, and that He is actively working in my life and in other peoples’ lives!

"Set Apart"

During my first week of D.T.S. lecture phase in September I wrote something in one of my lectures that I believed proved true for the rest of D.T.S.

“This is a time to be ‘set apart’ at the burning bush on the mountain (Moses), in the wilderness (John the Baptist, the Apostle Paul, Jesus), to learn from the Lord, to hear the voice of God, and to know the heart of God. God chose you.”

What a unique gift I had been given, to have a period of time set apart to spend with the Lord, similar to my Biblical forefathers and Jesus Christ Himself! My speaker at a week long mini outreach spoke further about the burning bush asking, “What is your burning bush? What is God trying to use to get your attention?” (See Exodus 3.) This really hit home for me as I thought back over the direction of my life, the influences in my life, and the passions God has given me. A conversation I had with my mentor towards the beginning of D.T.S. came to me. I had said to her how I love ministering to young people in the emerging generations in America and that I also love missions, but I felt that I had to choose one or the other. She asked me why I couldn’t do both. I don’t think I had an answer at the time or even understood that maybe there was a way I could incorporate both in my life until later. Slowly, God began to confirm my passions that I desired to continue in ministry with young people and lead students in missions in the next chapter of my life.

At the Montana base I also began to develop such a love for the base, the people there, and their mission. Daily I saw their relationship for the Lord and desire to serve Him, to empower people in their personal relationships with the Lord and into the ministry God has for them, and my heart beat the same.

I would like you to meet Buddy.

Buddy is about 3 years old. My team & I met him at the first church we ministered at near Jinja, Uganda. He was one of the many children that craved our attention, but he always was happy with a huge smile on his face. When a member of my team asked what his name was, the people did not know because he is an orphan—homeless. Someone explained that sometimes a Ugandan will let him stay the night at their home or give him food to eat. We met so many children like him, but what could we do? We smiled back, held his hand, and prayed that he would know Jesus’ love.

Recognizing Where God Wants To Use Me

Even though I was a student at D.T.S., God provided opportunities for me to minister to my fellow students. From just listening, sharing, and praying with them, I believe God was able to work through me. I saw how my experiences could relate and speak God’s love, strength, and faithfulness to other girls as they recognized their own struggles and sought help from the Lord.

I have a passion for young people, especially young women, to counsel them, to love them, and to ultimately lead them to Jesus Christ so that they can live empowered lives and fulfill the purposes God has for them to transform their world!

Spring Support Letter

Dear Friends,

First of all, I would like to thank you for your support and prayers for me during my D.T.S. in Montana and my missions’ outreach to Uganda, Africa. I truly felt the Lord’s presence and His guidance through your prayers. And hopefully, you have been able to see through my e-mail updates and this newsletter how my passion continues to lie with the D.T.S. at the YWAM Montana base, which is called to equip disciples to evangelize the world.

During my D.T.S. God confirmed my passions to minister to young people and to be in missions at this time. I saw how I could incorporate both of these things into my life of ministry through YWAM, so I applied to staff the Discipleship Training School in Lakeside, MT (in that same program I participated in as a student). I am so excited to say that I have been accepted! Along with my directors and other staff, I will help facilitate the school, by leading small groups, mentoring individual girls, leading or supporting the leader of a study track, and preparing and co-leading groups of students on missions’ trips to other countries.

I believe that this opportunity communicates my passions to disciple young people and reach the world with the message of Jesus Christ. This position also will utilize my abilities and work experiences in organization and discipleship and my social science degree. I am excited to step out as a leader, to be discipled by Godly leaders, and even for the challenges I will encounter. This further step of faith will transform my life even more, and I desire for God to use me how He desires. I am humbled by God’s faith in me and the responsibility He has chosen to give me.

As with any person who works with YWAM, I serve as a volunteer, receive no salary, and raise my own financial support from individual churches and/or people. (Youth With A Mission is a non-denominational missions’ organization, and is not affiliated or funded by any one denomination.) In order to begin by June 1st, I will need the minimum requirement of $500 per month pledged for two years. I believe that the Lord knows the plans He has for me, the timing involved, and where His provision lies. I ask that you would go to the Lord in prayer to consider if God desires to use you as His provision—to support me financially. If you are not led by God to give, please do not feel pressured to, but I would so appreciate your continued prayers.

If I still need more pledges to meet my needs before June 1st, I will need to move my start date to later summer (the next staff intake is August). Please note that my living expenses may require more than $500, and as much as $700-$800, (estimates). Some of my expenses include, but are not limited to, room and board, personal care, healthcare, car upkeep and insurance, college loans, taxes, traveling, and cell phone.

No amount is too small—the amount spent making a couple runs to Starbucks or eating out each month. Just 20 people giving $25 a month would equal $500! Consider the resources the Lord has given you: a tax return, a rebate, God is blessing your business, a pay raise, or maybe your giving is a step of faith, much like my going. I appreciate anything you are able to give!

Hebrews 11:1, 6 states, “The fundamental fact of existence is that this trust in God, this faith, is the firm foundation under everything that makes life worth living. It's [my] handle on what [I] can't see…It's impossible to please God apart from faith. And why? Because anyone who wants to approach God must believe both that He exists and that He cares enough to respond to those who seek him.” (See Hebrews 11-12 in The Message Bible.) I have encountered a trustworthy God during D.T.S., and I am excited that God will continue to weave a tapestry of faith in my own life through my upcoming journey!

Thank you and God bless.


Saturday, January 20, 2007

His Joy Made Me Full

This past Sunday we went to Kewempe Worship Center, a sister church to the one we are based out of here. Our team leader preached, and I was in a skit called the box skit. But it is about how Jesus transforms us. Then we led Sunday School with songs, a couple skits, and a message. I believe there were about 100 or more little kids packed in there, and they fed us lunch. Oh, so good. I really like most of the food here, except for it being a lot of carbs. Ugh.

Monday and Tuesday we left for overnight prison ministry, no, not overnight in the prison, but in a motel. We visited 2 prisons the first day and over 60 came Christ and another prison the second day. These prisons were pretty far, so it was many hours in a bus, and 2 of them we up these dirt roads in the mountains. Our team and I really like this ministry with our Ugandan Pastors Ernest and Moses, who do this every weekday. The prisons are vastly different here than in the U.S., and you can openly preach anywhere in Uganda.

Wednesday through Friday we returned to Kewempe Worship Center to do door to door evangelism (mmm, they fed us lunch each day!). This was another awesome time, but bittersweet, as we were ending our ministry time in Uganda. Many felt a spiritual oppression in the area as there is a lot of Muslims, ancestor and demon worship, but the church is on fire there and evangelizing! One Ja-Ja (Grandma Sophie) I shared with said she would think about Jesus, but while I was sharing with her, I broke down crying with God's love for her. That has never happened to me before, and it made continuing after her hard. Later on another woman’s eyes just transformed with light when she accepted Christ. Many times you can see a physical change with people when they meet Jesus. It is special to be able to relate with the old and young through the message of Christ--children, teenagers, parents, and grandparents!

We will be at a large church in Kampala Sunday and then heading out for a 3 day excursion our leaders surprised us with. You would think we would be seeing a lot of the sites and wildlife as we know are in Africa; however, I have seen 3 monkeys and many domestic animals. So we are going to visit Murchison Falls, where they have wildlife and the Nile River. I am really looking forward to it. As many of you know I love seeing things and visiting new places and people!!!!!

We leave for the U.S. Friday and get in Sunday morning to begin our last week of DTS. Please pray for safe travels, that no bags are lost, and that God continues to work in our hearts and in the Ugandans’ hearts, which have been transformed by the message of Christ.Our team has ended with this verse, Acts 2:42-47, which we feel reflects our team and our time here in Uganda.

42They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to
the breaking of bread and to prayer. 43Everyone was filled with awe, and many
wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles. 44All the believers were
together and had everything in common. 45Selling their possessions and goods,
they gave to anyone as he had need. 46Every day they continued to meet together
in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad
and sincere hearts, 47praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And
the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.
Talk to ya soon!!!! God bless and Webele Gno (thank you).

Shannon or Sanyu (My Ugandan name given by friends here, which means Joy.)

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Mercy....In Uganda

On Sunday our team split to preach at 2 separate churches....the roads are like washboards or roller coasters most of the time. One girl spoke on how God has done so much healing in her life....even in DTS God healed her hearing loss, and she doesn’t need her hearing aids anymore. God really spoke through her.

This week we did a lot of mercy ministry. We went back to the Enfufu area where we had done door to door and open airs and demonstrated Christ's love by picking up trash—there is a never ending supply— sweeping and hoeing—I have blisters now! We also visited 2 orphanages, doing a program at one, and moving logs and playing with the kids at the other. Most of the kids are orphans because of AIDS and many are HIV positive. It was a good week with hard work in the sun, but it was a testimony of Jesus Christ, especially to those that don’t know Christ!

Today is our day off....cloudy and cooler than normal. We will be going to a market later. I got to sleep in for the first time in a while, but last night that thunder storm kept me up. God has been protecting us as Mark K. was in the hospital for a day with malaria, but he is back with us now doing way better, and our cook is now recovering from malaria also. Pray for restored health to those that are sick and continued protection and health for those that are not sick, especially as we end our time here soon. God has truly blessed me with good health.

I am doing well and feeling healthy and even getting some exercise! The other day I had to take 3 different hikes, one to Enfufu, one to Prayer Mountain to pray and worship with our team, and one to the store for groceries—and carrying the groceries back, which were so heavy! It totaled maybe 5 miles or more, and it is very hot here!

Love you all!


Sunday, January 7, 2007

Over 5 weeks in Uganda Update—Finally

Dear Family and Friends,

Sorry it has been so long since you have heard from me. I have very little chance to get on the internet, it costs money, and hotmail always has issues with me over here. So I don't really know where to begin.

Well, we got back to the Jinja base from the Lake Victoria Islands. The island (Dec. 10-13) was really a nice place, considering we were expecting very primitive conditions. So there was no running water or electricity, but it was very clean where we stayed. We visited very small churches in villages, encouraged them, evangelized door to door, and did a kids’ service. Even a witch doctor's wife came to know the Lord! Praise God! And I saw a monkey, my first African animal siting, other than large birds!

Back at Jinja we ministered in a village Dec. 14-15, with a church, and evangelized door to door. It was so exciting to see a very old lady come to know Jesus when Jeanenne and I spoke with her, and afterward her face just beamed! She was so happy. I also taught a seminar for the church on how your foundation should be built on the wisdom of God. I think they liked it. I got a lot of "Amena's!”

Next we left to do ministry in the capital of Kampala in slum areas. We worked with local churches, doing kids’ ministry, door to door, and an open air program. That week we ate excellent food at a pastor's house, but we lived in a girl's boarding school quarters (they are on "holiday" break). We called it the prison because of the gate, bars, and barbed wire (and cement). I sprayed my bed with insect repellant part way through to ward of any bed bugs I thought I might have been sharing my bed with.

On Dec. 22 we arrived at World Outreach Ministries and Seguku Worship Center between Entebbe and Kampala, where we will be staying the rest of our time. We had a wonderful Christmas there (but missed family and friends), had a gift exchange, and were surprised by our outreach leaders who had brought gifts from our families for us! Yep, we all cried and were so thankful for the thoughts from our parents. We ate Chinese and watched movies and ate chocolate chip cookies (they don't eat chocolate chips here).

The first week here we went to minister to 2 prisons around the area each day. We did programs to share the Gospel, and many came to know Christ! It is so encouraging to see the ministries of Seguku Worship Center, which visit prisons all the time to minister and disciple!

The second week at Seguku we did door to door and open airs each day. These are areas the church is targeting, and they follow up with. This coming week we will be doing some mercy ministry in those same areas and helping the people we have met in more physical ways.

I would love to write more, but my time is up! Here are some definitions is case these words don't make sense.

Door to Door Evangelism is sharing who Jesus Christ is and how you can be saved.

Open Air Programs are outdoor programs we invite people to, and people stop by and watch. Usually the Ugandans from churches do the introduction for the programs with some words and singing and present a message and the Gospel at the end. We do 1-2 songs, a testimony or 2, maybe a dance, the Savior Drama, and a message/gospel presentation. People are asked to receive Christ at the end.

Hope all is well. I have only 3 more weeks left. Time is surely flying by, and I will soon be back in the U.S. And by the way, I did receive my bag back after it was missing for 2 weeks! And I am in great health! Please continue to pray for me, the work here, and for my direction when I get back. I have some ideas. :)

Love you all, and God bless you! You are in my thoughts and prayers.
